Samantha Troulis

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Welcome to My Blog.

Hello! My name is Samantha. I am an artist and a creator of many different things. I have decided to add a blog to my website. I am not entirely sure what this blog will contain, but that’s okay. Let’s just have fun.

(I am not a professional writer, so please do not expect professional writing. Don’t even expect it to be consistent. I’m not a bad writer; I’m just tired. Thank you! ☺︎)

I’m sitting on my bed with Dick Clark’s New Year’s Rockin’ Eve on my TV in the background. 2024 is less than an hour away, and I’m still stressing about the entire year of 2023. I’m hoping that 2024 will be better; however, I had hoped for the same for the past three years prior, and none of them delivered in the ways that I had hoped.

2023 was an odd year. I started losing vision in one eye due to my retina detaching, but that somehow led to me adopting my cat, Cleo, which was the best and most unexpected outcome.

Here’s to 2024.